Why Old Insulation Can Be a Threat To Your Health

Man Wiping His Mouth - Outdated Insulation Health Risk graphic

Attic insulation is probably not something you think of very often. It’s up there, it’s doing its job, and unless you are getting drafts or having some type of issue, it rarely crosses your mind. Did you know that old insulation is a leading cause of poor air quality in your home? It can be, and here’s why.

Outdated Attic Materials

Many older homes have fiberglass insulation in their attics. This type of insulation is laid down and is puffy and soft. Fiberglass attic insulation is made from very small glass fibers, and handling this type of insulation is tricky because of the glass fibers, and precautions need to be taken to ensure that the skin is not exposed to the insulation. The small glass fibers can irritate the skin and the eyes, and inhaling these glass fibers can lead to many health issues. 

If you have a home that is more than ten years old, you more than likely have fiberglass insulation in your attic. Our attic service professionals can evaluate the type of insulation in your home and make recommendations on new types of insulation.

Mold in Insulation

Attics can be damp, which can lead to mold living in your attic. You may not even realize that you have a mold problem in your attic until you start to have chronic illnesses and notice a musty smell in your home. Roof leaks can cause mold in your attic, as can condensation.

Attics are a breeding ground for mold and mildew growth. If you live in an area that has high humidity, you should check your attic often to ensure there isn’t any mold growth. Because of the toxicity of mold, you should call an attic professional to inspect the area. Our attic services include a free, no-obligation check of your attic. 

Once mold gets in your insulation, you need to have a professional remove the insulation, remedy the source of the mold, and replace the insulation. If left untreated, residents of the home can become very ill with respiratory infections, allergy symptoms, and a whole host of other issues.  If you suspect you may have mold in your attic, contact a professional to assist.

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Insulation Off-Gassing

Some insulation products are known to leak toxins in the air, which is called off-gassing. If you have insulation that contains toxins, and many insulations do, you could experience health problems. Two common toxins found in attic insulation are formaldehyde and asbestos. These types of toxins are now banned from being used, but many older homes still have this type of insulation in them. If you have an older home with old insulation, you may have these toxins still in your home. 

Toxins from Pests

Pests in your attic insulation can produce a whole host of toxins. Bat and rodent urine and fecal matter are very toxic and can spread viruses to humans. Only a trained professional should try and remove the toxic waste and the pests from your attic. Breathing in the air of the attic when you have a pest infestation can be highly hazardous to your health.

If you think you may need new attic insulation in your home, call one of our attic professionals. They are highly-trained to test the air quality in your attic, look for signs of infestation, and find mold and mildew. 

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