How to Get Fiberglass Insulation Out of Your Skin

Man Cutting with a Knife - Fiberglass on Skin graphic

Fiberglass is a thin, synthetic material made of glass fibers and is common in insulation and many household appliances. Upon exposure to fiberglass insulation, these fibers can cut the skin and cause irritation and other issues. It’s essential to know how to get fiberglass insulation out of your skin to prevent long-term risks.

Understanding the risks of fiberglass exposure is crucial when working with it or facing long-term exposure. If you’re curious about how to get fiberglass out of your skin, fiberglass from under your skin, or stop a fiberglass rash, keep reading.

Risks Associated with Fiberglass Exposure

While fiberglass has no severe side effects, there are some risks to exposure as it can travel from your skin to other parts of the body very quickly. Skin irritation and respiratory issues are common. There is no known link to cancer, but you may need medical assistance.

Skin Irritation

Fiberglass in the skin causes microscopic cuts and may get trapped. Common symptoms are skin irritation, such as a rash, while it can also cause skin peeling and blisters in others. Itchy, rash skin occurs due to direct fiberglass exposure, so wearing the proper protective gear is essential when handling fiberglass insulation.

Other Complications

Respiratory issues and related complications occur with further exposure to fiberglass insulation. You may notice more frequent coughing, sneezing, itching, and worsened asthma symptoms with regular exposure.


It’s very easy to breathe in fiberglass insulation, and you may feel fiberglass particles trapped in your throat. Breathing struggles, coughing, and wheezing are common signs that fiberglass may be in your lungs.


Sneezing is another respiratory symptom of exposure to fiberglass. Small amounts of fiberglass dust can get into your nose, blocking the airways and tearing the tissue inside, causing breathing difficulties and nosebleeds.


When you have fiberglass irritation, skin and respiratory tract itchiness may occur. Breathing in fiberglass particles can cause internal irritation, while any amount of direct skin contact with insulation will also cause itching. Learning how to get fiberglass insulation out of your skin after exposure can help you decrease itchiness.

Worsened Asthma Symptoms

In individuals with a history of bronchitis or asthma, these conditions may worsen with fiberglass insulation exposure. Increased asthma symptoms may warrant a trip to your medical professional.

Fiberglass On Skin

How to Remove Fiberglass from Your Skin

If you notice irritation after exposure to fiberglass, get fiberglass out of your skin immediately to prevent further damage. Some fibers will eventually come out of the skin by themselves. Follow these steps if you don’t already know how to get fiberglass insulation out of your skin or how to get insulation off your skin and need help.

  • Don’t scratch or rub the irritated skin, nor use compressed air to blow fibers off of the skin, as this can worsen it.
  • Wash the affected area with soap and running water. Use a washcloth to pull away any remaining fibers.
  • Remove fibers stuck in the skin by sticking tape to the area. The fiberglass will stick to the tape and lift out of the skin as you remove the tape gently.
  • Take a shower to remove all other remaining particles.

After thoroughly cleaning your clothes, body, and appliances that have come in contact with fiberglass, your fiberglass irritation symptoms should disappear. If your fiberglass itch lasts even after removing visible fibers from your skin or you have respiratory symptoms, visit your doctor.

Helpful Reading: How Long Does Insulation Last

Lessen Your Chances of Exposure to Fiberglass

Along with knowing how to get fiberglass insulation out of your skin, lessening your exposure is instrumental in preventing the damaging effects of insulation. When facing fiberglass exposure at work, you can implement the following practices:

  • Wear loose-fitting clothes, protective goggles, gloves, masks, and closed shoes.
  • Wash clothes that are worn around fiberglass immediately and clean your washing machine.
  • Open doors and windows to increase airflow.
  • Remove fiberglass dust with water and a filtered vacuum.
  • Wash your hands before eating and drinking, and avoid exposing foods to fiberglass insulation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Fiberglass Insulation

In addition to questions like “How long does fiberglass stay in your skin?” and “How do you get fiberglass out of your skin?” many people have concerns regarding illness and injury from fiberglass. Remaining highly informed can help you follow all proper practices regarding fiberglass insulation handling and help prevent unnecessary exposure.

Can Fiberglass in your Skin make you Sick?

There are no known links between fiberglass insulation and cancer, lung disease, or other severe respiratory conditions. Fiberglass in the skin can’t make you sick, but it can make your skin itchy, sore, and irritated. Learn how to get rid of fiberglass itch to prevent this inconvenience.

Why does Fiberglass Hurt your Skin?

Fiberglass hurts your skin due to its sharp, thin, yet durable material. When this tiny glass threading comes in contact with your skin, its material causes microscopic abrasions. Knowing how to get fiberglass insulation out of your skin safely will reduce and prevent extended skin irritation after fiberglass exposure.


If you’re still wondering how to get fiberglass out of your skin, look no further than Attic Projects for tips on protecting yourself and avoiding the harmful, painful effects of handling or being exposed to fiberglass insulation. We have years of experience installing, replacing, and maintaining fiberglass insulation in San Diego, CA, and Orange, CA. We’ll guide you on removing insulation from your skin and provide unique insight.

Whether you need additional insulation in your home to maintain indoor temperatures during the winter or you need to remove moldy fiberglass insulation, we have the leading solutions and quality insulative materials. Our attic and crawlspace experts follow industry standards for insulation installation and use state-of-the-art technology. You’ll get an individualized solution for your home.

Don’t let your fear of fiberglass insulation exposure leave you with high energy bills. Our team brings attention to detail, knowledge, and professionalism. If you want to know more about how to remove fiberglass insulation or schedule service, contact Attic Projects today.

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