How to Handle a Rat Infestation in a Residential Community

Rodent infestations in residential communities can spread quickly if they are not promptly identified and contained, Our free eBook provides tips for property managers and HOAs to help locate rodent infestations and keep your community safe & clean.

Rat Infestation Ebook

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And take back control of your residential community.

There are few things that will make residents feel unwelcome in their living community like a rodent infestation. With multi-unit buildings or close proximity of houses in a residential community, the ability of a rodent problem to spread between homes is amplified. If your residents have seen or heard the tell tale signs of rodents around their home, or if you have a hunch that unwanted tenants have made their way inside, it’s time to take action.

At Attic Projects, we strive to provide property managers and HOAs with all of the tools that they need to identify and manage their multi-unit rodent problem. For that reason, we put together a comprehensive eBook detailing How to Handle a Rat Infestation in a Residential Community. In this guide, we discuss:

If you are interested in learning more, please download our Rodent Proofing Guide for free.

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So You’ve Identified A Rodent Problem… Now What?

While we hope that you found our eBook to be helpful with your attic and crawl space inspection, we also know that a proper, thorough inspection can also lead to some unwanted findings. If you happened to identify the tell tale signs of a rodent infestation, you may be feeling overwhelmed with undertaking the project on your own.

We have a team of rodent proofing experts that can take care of your current infestation and ensure that the pesky houseguests never return, all while you sit comfortably on your couch. If you need help with your rodent removal and prevention projects, contact us today.

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*Our in-house inspectors will provide you a detailed inspection report so we understand exactly what needs to be done, to take you where you want to be. Make sense?

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How to Handle a Rat Infestation in a Residential Community

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