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 SAN DIEGO, CA: (858) 326-0417

*Our in-house inspectors will provide you a detailed inspection report so we understand exactly what needs to be done, to take you where you want to be. Make sense?

Attic Projects Company originated in San Diego with a vision to revolutionize home maintenance by prioritizing attic and crawl space upkeep.

Our commitment extends beyond just providing services; it’s about integrating ourselves into the communities we serve. We recognize that our employees are not just workers but members of our neighborhoods. Many of our team members live locally, allowing them to understand the needs and nuances of the community intimately.

Living and working within the same community, our employees develop a deeper connection to the people they serve. This connection fosters a sense of responsibility and pride in their work, translating into superior service for our customers.

At Attic Projects Company, our mission is to improve homes’ energy efficiency, air quality, and integrity and enrich the lives of those within the entire San Diego county service area.

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We offer the following services for attics:
  • Attic cleaning and sanitation
  • Attic weatherization, including insulation removal and installation
  • Mold remediation
  • Radiant barrier insulation
  • Air duct sealing and repairs
  • Rodent removal and proofing
  • Door and window sealing
  • Attic renovations

We also offer a wide range of services for crawl space care:

  •  Crawl space Insulation removal and installation, including installing foam and fiberglass insulation
  • Crawl space weatherization, including vapor barrier installation
  • Crawl space door installation
  • Sump pump installation
  • Crawl Space Mold remediation
  • Radiant barrier insulation
  • Crawl Space Rodent removal and proofing
  • San Diego
  • Chula Vista
  • Oceanside
  • Escondido
  • Carlsbad
  • El Cajon
  • Vista
  • San Marcos
  • Encinitas
  • Poway

Services We Offer in San Diego

Attic & Crawl Space Cleaning and Sanitation

Regular attic and crawl space cleaning is essential to eliminate hazards and ensure a safer, more efficient living environment. By removing unwanted debris, mitigating moisture accumulation, and preventing pest infestations, we help safeguard your home against potential damages and improve your living space’s overall health and comfort. Through our sanitation services, Attic Projects Company ensures that every aspect of your home’s upper and lower unseen areas is well-maintained, contributing to the longevity and well-being of your residence.

What You Get With Attic Projects:

  • Thorough Cleaning: We remove all debris, dust, and unwanted materials from your attic, ensuring a spotless space. Our team uses specialized equipment to extract all contaminants safely and efficiently.
  • Sanitation and Disinfection: Post-cleaning, our experts apply non-toxic, eco-friendly sanitizers to kill bacteria, viruses, and other harmful microorganisms. This step is crucial for maintaining a healthy environment and preventing the spread of diseases.
  • Pest Infestation Solutions: If signs of pest infestation are found, we offer solutions to address and prevent future issues, keeping your attic pest-free and in top condition.
  • Insulation Removal and Replacement: Contaminated or inefficient insulation can be a significant problem. We provide insulation removal services, followed by installing new, high-quality insulation to enhance your home’s energy efficiency.
  • Odor Elimination: Attics can often harbor unpleasant odors due to mold, mildew, or pests. Our odor elimination process ensures that your attic smells fresh, creating a more pleasant home environment.

Ventilation Verification: Proper ventilation is essential for maintaining indoor air quality and preventing moisture-related issues. By verifying that vents are clear, we help ensure efficient air circulation, reducing the risk of problems like mold growth and ensuring that your heating and cooling systems operate effectively.

Moisture Control

Moisture in your attic or crawl spaces can lead to many problems, including mold growth, wood rot, and compromised structural integrity. It can also attract pests and lead to increased energy bills. Effective moisture control prevents these issues and maintains a healthy, efficient home environment.

Moisture Control Services with Attic Projects:

  • Moisture Assessment: We thoroughly evaluate your attic and crawl spaces to identify any potential moisture issues or risks. At Attic Projects, we use moisture meters, infrared cameras, and hygrometers to detect mold, leaks, and other moisture-related conditions that could impact the structure of your attic and help us pinpoint problem areas with precision.
  • Ventilation Solutions: Proper ventilation is key to controlling moisture. We offer customized ventilation systems to ensure adequate airflow, reducing humidity and preventing moisture accumulation.
  • Vapor Barriers: If needed, our team can install high-quality vapor barriers to prevent moisture from seeping into your attic and crawl spaces, protecting your home’s structure and air quality.
  • Dehumidification: In areas prone to high humidity, our dehumidification solutions can help maintain optimal moisture levels, preventing the growth of mold and mildew.
  • Insulation Upgrades: Proper insulation helps regulate your home’s temperature and prevents condensation. We provide insulation inspection and replacement services to ensure your insulation effectively controls moisture.

Mold Remediation

Mold in your attic or crawl spaces can pose serious health risks, including allergies, respiratory issues, and other adverse health effects. It can also cause permanent damage to your home’s structure and aesthetics. When prevention is not an option, timely and professional remediation is the only way to mitigate and reduce mold infestation and damage.

Our Mold Remediation Process

  • Inspection and Assessment: We begin with a comprehensive inspection of your property to identify mold presence and determine the extent of the infestation. This assessment guides our remediation strategy.
  • Containment: To prevent the spread of mold spores during the remediation process, we establish containment zones using physical barriers and negative air pressure.
  • Mold Removal: Our certified mold technicians use EPA-certified protective gear like respirators, gloves, and goggles to remove mold. In addition, we use HEPA vacuums, air scrubbers, and products like RMR-86 to remove mold from affected areas thoroughly. This includes treating surfaces to eliminate mold while preserving the integrity of your property’s surface.
  • Air Filtration: We employ HEPA-filtered air scrubbers to capture airborne mold spores, ensuring the air in your home is clean and safe.
  • Cleaning and Sanitization: After mold removal, we clean, sanitize, and deodorize the affected areas, including furniture, curtains, and other restorable items, to eliminate any residual mold and odors.
  • Restoration: Depending on the damage, restoration may involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall, wood or more significant reconstruction to restore your home to its pre-mold condition.

Radiant Barrier Insulation

Radiant barrier insulation is designed to reflect radiant heat, helping to keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. This type of insulation is particularly effective in sunny climates like San Diego, where it can significantly reduce the heat gain through your roof and attic, leading to lower cooling costs and improved indoor comfort.

Radiant Barrier Insulation Services with Attic Projects:

  • Expert Installation: Our skilled technicians are proficient in installing radiant barriers in a variety of different types of attic spaces. We ensure proper placement and orientation to maximize the reflection of radiant heat, enhancing your home’s energy efficiency.
  • Quality Materials: We use commercial-grade, durable radiant barrier materials that are tested for effectiveness and longevity. Our products are designed to exceed the standards set by the City of San Diego Development Services Department
  • .Energy Efficiency Consultation: We offer comprehensive energy assessments to identify how radiant barrier insulation can best benefit your specific home. Our experts will provide personalized recommendations to optimize your energy savings..
  • Comprehensive Insulation Solutions: Besides evaluating radiant barriers, we offer a thorough analysis and enhancement of your home’s insulation system. Our approach targets and identifies deficiencies or gaps, ensuring optimized energy performance throughout your home.
  • Maintenance and Support: Our service continues beyond installation. We provide ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure your radiant barrier continues to perform optimally over the years.

Attic Door & Stairs

Attic stairs and doors are key to safe attic access and energy efficiency. According to, sturdy, well-insulated attic stairs prevent heat loss and ensure easy operation, while proper attic doors must be sealed and insulated to stop air leaks, reducing energy waste. These elements should be durable, provide secure access, and integrate well with the home’s design to maintain aesthetic and functional value. A new attic door or new stairs can increase your home’s value by improving aesthetics, functionality, and energy efficiency, ensuring safe and easy access to your attic with our reliable installation and maintenance services, reducing the risk of accidents, lower energy bills, and a more comfortable home environment.

Our Attic Door & Stairs Services:

  • Professional Installation: We provide expert installation services for various attic doors and stairs, including pull-down stairs, scissor stairs, and more. Our installations are designed to fit your attic and home layout, ensuring seamless integration and ease of use.
  • Energy Efficiency Upgrades: An attic door can be a significant source of energy loss. We offer insulation and sealing solutions for attic doors and stairs to improve your home’s energy efficiency, helping to reduce heat loss in the winter and heat gain in the summer.
  • Safety Inspections and Upgrades: Ensuring the utmost safety for attic access is crucial. Our multi-point inspections are designed to verify the stability and security of your attic stairs, offering necessary upgrades or repairs to align with San Diego’s building code safety regulations.
  • Customization Options: Whether you need a basic attic ladder or a high-end, customized attic stairway, we offer a range of materials and designs to match your home’s aesthetics and needs.

Attic Renovations

Renovating an attic can transform it from a mere storage area to a functional living space, adding as much as 56% of the renovation cost to the value of your home. Renovations can include adding insulation, improving ventilation, installing windows for natural light, and ensuring the space complies with building codes for safety and comfort.

Attic Projects’ Attic Renovation Services:

  • Custom Design: Our renovation begins with a detailed consultation to understand your needs and preferences. We provide custom design services to create a plan that maximizes your attic’s potential, aligning with your style and functional requirements.
  • Structural Assessment: Safety and stability are our top priorities. We conduct thorough structural assessments to ensure your attic can support the intended use, making necessary reinforcements or modifications to meet safety standards.
  • Efficient Insulation and Ventilation: Proper insulation and ventilation are crucial for making your attic space comfortable and energy-efficient. We install high-quality insulation materials and design effective ventilation systems to maintain optimal temperature and air quality.
  • Electrical and Plumbing: If your attic transformation requires electrical or plumbing work, our licensed technicians are equipped to install or upgrade these systems, ensuring they are safe, efficient, and compliant with San Diego building codes.
  • Interior Finishing: From drywall installation and painting to flooring and lighting, we handle all aspects of interior finishing, creating a polished and inviting space that feels like an integral part of your home.
  • Custom Features: Whether you planning built-in storage, skylights, or unique architectural elements, our team can incorporate custom features to personalize your attic space, making it truly yours.

Electrical Panel Upgrades

Upgrading your home’s electrical panel enhances safety and supports contemporary households’ growing energy consumption needs. An outdated panel poses significant fire hazards and may fail to meet the power requirements of advanced appliances and electronics.  Most homes in San Diego will have an electrical panel that outputs 100-200 amps. Depending on your home’s needs, you should increase to 250 amps.

During our free home evaluations, our electricians will give you a recommendation based on the specifications of your project. By upgrading, you ensure compliance with current safety standards, prepare your home for future technological integrations like electric vehicle charging and home automation, and may benefit from reduced insurance rates due to a lower fire risk.

Our Electrical Panel Upgrade Services:

  • Comprehensive Assessment: We start with thoroughly evaluating your current electrical system, identifying the need for an upgrade, and the best solutions to meet your home’s demands.
  • Expert Installation: Our licensed electricians perform all upgrades, ensuring the work is done safely, efficiently, and in compliance with local codes and standards.
  • Customized Solutions: We provide tailored upgrades, considering your specific energy needs and future plans, ensuring your electrical system is robust and versatile.
  • Seamless Integration: Our team ensures the upgrade process is smooth, with minimal disruption to your home. We also guarantee that your new system integrates seamlessly with your existing setup.
  • Safety Inspections and Testing: Post-installation, we conduct thorough inspections and testing to confirm that your new panel operates safely and efficiently.

Protect Electrical Wiring From Rodents

Rodents have a penchant for chewing through electrical wires, which can strip away the protective insulation and expose the conductive materials inside. This behavior increases the risk of short circuits and electrical fires and can lead to unexpected power outages and damage to your property. We specialize in electrical rodent protection, employing  strategies like rodent guards and sealing entry points

Our Electrical Rodent Protection Solutions:

  • Inspection and Assessment: We thoroughly inspect your home’s electrical system, identifying any current or potential points of rodent intrusion and wire damage.
  • New Electrical Wires: Proper installation and routing of wires reduce the risk of electrical issues and increase the system’s efficiency and reliability.
  • Sealing and Proofing: Our team implements robust sealing measures to block any entry points in your home’s structure, preventing rodents from accessing your electrical wiring.
  • Protective Covering: We apply specialized protective coverings to your wiring, which are designed to deter rodents from chewing while maintaining the wires’ integrity and functionality.
  • Monitoring and Maintenance: Regular monitoring is key to ensuring ongoing protection. We offer maintenance services to inspect and address any new potential threats, keeping your electrical system safeguarded against rodents.

Electrical Wire Inspection

Regular electrical wire inspections are crucial for detecting wear and tear, outdated wiring, and potential hazards that could lead to electrical fires, short circuits, or other dangerous situations. These inspections are key to preventing unexpected breakdowns, enhancing your electrical system’s longevity, and ensuring your household’s safety.

Our Electrical Wire Inspection Services:

  • Detailed Assessment: Our California-licensed electricians evaluate your home’s electrical wiring, and identify signs of deterioration, damage, or non-compliance with San Diego building code safety standards.
  • Issue Identification: We inspect all components, including wires, connectors, outlets, and switches, to pinpoint any defects, wear, or potential risks that could compromise your electrical system’s safety and functionality.
  • San Diego Code Compliance: Making sure your electrical setup is up with San Diego and California l electrical codes isn’t just good practice—it’s essential. When we inspect, we look at every nook and cranny to ensure everything’s in top shape, identifying any electrical issues needing work to meet code requirements.
  • Safety Enhancements: Based on our inspection findings, we may suggest repairs or upgrades to enhance your system’s safety and performance, preventing potential hazards before they become serious.
  • Detailed Reporting: After completing the inspection, we provide a comprehensive report detailing our findings, including any areas of concern and suggested actions to rectify identified issues, ensuring you are fully informed about your electrical system’s condition.

New Electrical Wires

Upgrading your home’s electrical wiring can be beneficial for the following reasons:. New wiring can enhance the safety of your home, reducing the risk of electrical fires and other hazards associated with old or outdated wires. It also ensures that your electrical system can handle modern energy demands, providing the capacity needed for today’s appliances and technology.  Up-to-date wiring can improve energy distribution, lower electricity bills, and increase efficiency, offering a sound investment in your property’s future.

Our New Electrical Wires Installation Services:

  • Comprehensive Consultation: We start with a detailed assessment of your home’s current electrical system and discuss your specific needs, whether it’s for a new construction project or updating an existing system.
  • Customized Wiring Solutions: Our services are tailored to your home’s requirements. We design and implement wiring solutions that optimize electrical efficiency and safety, ensuring they align with your energy needs and preferences.
  • Quality Materials: We use only high-quality, durable wires and components, ensuring your new electrical system is built to last and complies with all relevant codes and standards.
  • Professional Installation: Our certified electricians are trained in the latest techniques and follow strict safety protocols, ensuring your new wiring is installed properly the first time.

Inspection and Testing: After installation, we conduct  load testing to verify that your new electrical wires are functioning correctly and safely, ensuring proper function

Vapor Barrier Installation

A vapor barrier is a material used to prevent moisture from penetrating walls, ceilings, and floors, especially in areas prone to dampness, such as attics and crawl spaces. They prevent moisture from seeping into these areas, which can help control humidity levels, reduce the risk of mold growth, and improve overall air quality. It acts as a critical line of defense against moisture-related degradation of the home’s structure.

Our Vapor Barrier Installation Services:

  • Thorough Assessment: We start with a detailed home evaluation to identify specific needs and the best vapor barrier solutions for your attic or crawl space.
  • Tailored Installation Plans: Our team designs a customized installation plan that addresses your home’s unique moisture control needs, ensuring the most effective and efficient solution.
  • Quality Materials: We use high-grade 10-mil to 20-mil Vapor Barriers that are chosen for their durability and effectiveness in moisture prevention.

Expert Installation: Our local San Diego team will install vapor barriers on your floor wall or ceiling. After installation, we will seal around the penetrations and perimeters to ensure a tight seal around the vapor barrier,

Crawl Space Door Installation

Properly installing a crawl space door ensures that the area is adequately sealed off from external elements while providing access for maintenance and inspection. A well-sealed door helps maintain the crawl space’s integrity, preventing pests, moisture, and outside air from compromising the home’s environment.

Our Crawl Space Door Installation Services:

  • Customized Solutions: We offer a variety of crawl space door solutions that fit your home’s design requirements.Quality Materials: weather-resistant and long-lasting, providing reliable protection for your crawl space.
  • Expert Installation: Our skilled craftsmen ensure your crawl space door is installed correctly, providing an effective seal and secure fit to protect against pests, moisture, and air leaks.
  • Enhanced Security: Securing your crawlspace is vital to prevent unauthorized access to your home. Our doors have an advanced locking system to ensure robust security standards. Each door is constructed with precision engineering, integrating steel locking mechanisms designed to be tamper-resistant.

Ventilation Options: We can incorporate ventilation features into your crawl space door to promote air circulation and moisture control, further protecting your home’s foundation and air quality.

Air Duct Sealing and Repairs

Leaky or damaged air ducts can impact your home’s comfort, air quality, and energy bills. Even small leaks can result in substantial energy loss, forcing your HVAC system to work harder and increasing energy consumption. Moreover, leaks can allow dust, allergens, and pollutants to enter your ductwork, degrading the indoor air quality. Sealing and repairing these ducts is essential to maintaining a healthy, comfortable, and cost-effective home environment.

Our Air Duct Sealing and Repair Services:

  • Air Duct Inspection: We start with a thorough inspection of your air duct system to identify leaks, damage, or areas of inefficiency.
  • Expert Sealing: Our technicians use mastic sealant, mesh fabric, heat-resistant tapes, and silicone sealants to seal leaks in your ductwork, ensuring that air is evenly and efficiently throughout your home.
  • Precision Repairs: When we find damaged or deteriorated sections of ductwork, we perform precise repairs or replacements to restore the integrity of your system.
  • Energy Efficiency Improvement: By sealing leaks and repairing damage, you will notice overall enhancements to your HVAC system while reducing energy waste and lowering your utility bills.
  • Indoor Air Quality Enhancement: Sealed and repaired ducts minimize the intrusion of contaminants and allergens into your air supply, improving the air quality inside your home.

Rodent Removal and Proofing

Rodent proofing and removal are critical for maintaining your home’s structural integrity and health safety. Rodents can cause extensive damage by chewing through drywall, electrical wires, and insulation, leading to costly repairs and severe fire hazards. The presence of rodents can also compromise your home’s cleanliness and structural integrity, as their entry points can allow further invasions and water intrusion, potentially resulting in mold issues.

Beyond property damage, rodents pose significant health risks. Their urine and feces are toxic, contaminating living spaces and requiring extensive cleanup, such as insulation replacement. Rodents are carriers of over 35 harmful diseases, including Hantavirus, Leptospirosis, Salmonellosis, and Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis, which can cause severe respiratory issues and potentially fatal illnesses. These diseases can be transmitted through direct contact with rodents or their droppings, bites, or even parasites like fleas, mites, and ticks that rodents carry.

Our Rodent Removal and Proofing Services:

  • Duct Inspection: When we perform an air duct inspection, we carefully check your entire duct system to locate any leaks, damage, or parts that are not working efficiently. Our technicians will open the ductwork and use specialized tools like smoke generators, duct scopes, and infrared cameras to test airflow and identify potential problem areas that could be wasting energy or allowing dirty air back into your home. We aim to ensure your ducts are sealed and insulated, delivering clean, conditioned air to all rooms in your home.
  • Rodent Removal: Utilizing humane and effective methods, we remove rodents from your home, ensuring your home is rat-free before the end of our visit.
  • Effective Proofing: We focus on proofing your home against future pest infestations after removal. This includes sealing entry points, installing barriers, and advising on best practices to deter rodents.
  • Cleanup and Sanitization: We conduct a thorough cleanup of affected areas, removing droppings, nests, and contaminated materials, followed by commercial-grade sanitization to eliminate health risks.
  • Monitoring and Follow-Up: Our service includes a 10-year warranty, if you suspect a new rodent infestation, we will come back out and reseal any new holes or entry points to ensure your home remains rodent-free. How to Find and Book With Attic Projects

How can you get to Attic Projects and start your crawl space or attic renewal? Here’s everything you need to know about getting started with us.

Getting to Attic Projects

Our San Diego location’s address is:

7840 Dunbrook Road
San Diego, CA 92126

We are near the Silverton Business Center between Sorrento Valley and Mira Mesa. You can get to us in less than a half hour from Downtown San Diego via HWY 805 and going directly north of downtown.

Attic Projects services San Diego, extending the entirety of San Diego County. We are committed to delivering exceptional service to a wide array of cities within the county, ensuring that you can rely on us no matter where you are. Our service areas include Alpine, Bonita, Bonsall, Borrego Springs, Bostonia, Camp Pendleton South, Campo, Carlsbad, Casa de Oro-Mount Helix, Chula Vista, Coronado, Crest, Del Mar, El Cajon, Encinitas, Escondido, Fairbanks Ranch, Fallbrook, Granite Hills, Harbison Canyon, Hidden Meadows, Imperial Beach, Jamul, La Mesa, La Presa, Lake San Marcos, Lakeside, Lemon Grove, National City, Oceanside, Poway, Rainbow, Ramona, Rancho San Diego, Rancho Santa Fe, San Diego Country Estates, San Marcos, Santee, Solana Beach, Spring Valley, Valley Center, Vista, and Winter Gardens. Whether you’re located in the coastal towns of Coronado and Solana Beach or inland communities like Escondido and Ramona, Attic Projects is dedicated to providing comprehensive services across San Diego County.

Booking With Attic Projects

Attic Projects makes it simple to book our services. Many of our customers start with a free estimate to understand the cost of their projects. We also offer no-pressure, hassle-free inspections to help you determine whether you need specific services like new insulation or pest-proofing.

You can call us to schedule your inspection at (858) 246-7421. We also offer financing options and flexible payment plans to cover most projects. You can apply with us online or over the phone — whatever is easiest for you!

Zip Codes We Service in San Diego County, California

San Diego has many zip codes separating the neighborhoods, starting with 91 or 92.

  • 91911
  • 92154
  • 92592
  • 91910
  • 92126
  • 92105
  • 92021
  • 92114
  • 91977
  • 92562
  • 92020
  • 92115
  • 92071
  • 92027
  • 91950
  • 92130
  • 92129
  • 92056
  • 92057
  • 91913
  • 92117
  • 92024
  • 92113
  • 92028
  • 92025
  • 92026
  • 92084
  • 92111
  • 92127
  • 92078
  • 92064
  • 92128
  • 92009
  • 92104
  • 92122
  • 92069
  • 92040
  • 92109
  • 92019
  • 92101
  • 92102
  • 91942
  • 92675
  • 92054
  • 92037
  • 92065
  • 92672
  • 92131
  • 92083
  • 92058
  • 92139
  • 92123
  • 91915
  • 91941
  • 92103
  • 92673
  • 92124
  • 92110
  • 92107
  • 92116
  • 92173
  • 92008
  • 92081
  • 92120
  • 91945
  • 91932
  • 92119
  • 92011
  • 92029
  • 92082
  • 92108
  • 92106
  • 91902
  • 91901
  • 92010
  • 92055
  • 91914
  • 92118
  • 92014
  • 92075
  • 91978
  • 92007
  • 91935
  • 92067
  • 92121
  • 92003
  • 91906
  • 92539
  • 92004
  • 92136
  • 92036
  • 91962
  • 92140
  • 91917
  • 92135
  • 91916
  • 92061
  • 92086
  • 91905
  • 92259
  • 92059
  • 92182
  • 92091
  • 91934
  • 92070
  • 92066
  • 91990
  • 92132
  • 92147
  • 91963
  • 92134
  • 91931
  • 92060
  • 91948
  • 91947
  • 92162
  • 92164
  • 92184
  • 92190
  • 92194
  • 92090
  • 91980
  • 92093
  • 92161
  • 92133
  • 91921
  • 91933
  • 91943
  • 91944
  • 91946
  • 91951
  • 91976
  • 91979
  • 91987
  • 92013
  • 92018
  • 92022
  • 92023
  • 92030
  • 92033
  • 92038
  • 92039
  • 92049
  • 92046
  • 92052
  • 92051
  • 92068
  • 92074
  • 92072
  • 92079
  • 92085
  • 92088
  • 92092
  • 92096
  • 92112
  • 92138
  • 92137
  • 92143
  • 92142
  • 92145
  • 92150
  • 92149
  • 92153
  • 92152
  • 92155
  • 92159
  • 92158
  • 92160
  • 92163
  • 92165
  • 92167
  • 92166
  • 92169
  • 92168
  • 92171
  • 92170
  • 92172
  • 92175
  • 92174
  • 92177
  • 92176
  • 92179
  • 92178
  • 92187
  • 92186
  • 92191
  • 92193
  • 92192
  • 92195
  • 92197
  • 92196
  • 92199
  • 92198
  • 91903
  • 91908
  • 91909
  • 91912

How Weather Can Impact Your Attic and Crawl Space

San Diego’s pleasant weather, characterized by its warm climate and ocean breezes, offers a comfortable living environment but poses unique challenges for attics and crawl spaces in homes. The region’s stable climate, influenced by the Pacific Ocean, means attics and crawl spaces don’t face extreme temperatures but may deal with higher humidity levels, impacting their condition.

The mild temperatures prevent the severe cold that can cause problems in crawl spaces elsewhere, such as damaged insulation. However, homeowners need to maintain proper insulation to prevent moisture buildup, which could result in mold or mildew, especially during the cooler, more humid months.

In contrast, during San Diego’s occasional hot spells, especially in late summer and early fall, attics can heat up considerably more than the outdoor air, putting extra pressure on cooling systems and increasing the risk of moisture-related issues if not well-ventilated.

While pests and insects are attracted to the area’s favorable weather, seeking refuge in attics or crawl spaces during cooler temperatures, solutions are available to mitigate these issues.

Professional services like Attic Projects specialize in addressing such challenges, providing expertise to identify and resolve problems related to weather impacts on these home spaces.

Neighborhoods in San Diego

San Diego is separated into a wide range of neighborhoods. According to the City of San Diego Planning Department, there are 52 official community planning areas, many of which have additional neighborhoods. Some examples of neighborhoods include:
  • Alta VistaAlta Vista is a neighborhood in San Diego known for its residential charm and community feel. It offers many housing options, providing a suburban experience with relatively easy access to downtown San Diego and other city amenitiesHow to Find Attic Projects from Alta VistaHead north on Ava St toward Greycourt Ave   0.1 mi

    Turn left onto Division St   1.5 mi

    Turn right onto Palm Ave   0.1 mi

    Continue onto S 47th St 489 ft

    Continue straight to stay on S 47th St   0.1 mi

    Turn left to merge onto I-805 N   0.2 mi1

    Merge onto I-805 N   13.5 mi

    Use the right lane to take exit 25A for Nobel Dr   0.4 mi

    Use the right 2 lanes to turn right onto Nobel Dr   0.5 mi

    Use the right 2 lanes to turn right at the 3rd cross street onto Miramar Rd   2.1 mi

    Turn left onto Carroll Rd   0.2 mi

    Turn right onto Kenamar Dr   0.4 mi

    Turn right onto Trade St   0.1 mi

    Turn left onto Trade Pl   0.2 mi

    Turn right onto Dunbrook Rd

    Attic Projects will be on the left 184 ft

  • Balboa ParkBalboa Park is not just a park but also a vibrant neighborhood near the heart of San Diego. It’s known for its cultural institutions, museums, and green spaces. The area around the park is characterized by historic homes and apartments, offering a unique blend of urban living and cultural enrichment.How to Find Attic Projects from Balboa Park

    Take CA-163 N and I-805 N to Nobel Dr. Take exit 25A from I-805 N – 11 min   (11.3 mi)

    Head northeast on Park Blvd 75 ft

    Turn left onto the State Route 163 N ramp   0.5 mi

    Merge onto CA-163 N   5.6 mi

    Use the right 2 lanes to take exit 7A to merge onto I-805 N toward Los Angeles   4.8 mi

    Use the right lane to take exit 25A for Nobel Dr   0.4 mi

    Take Miramar Rd to Dunbrook Rd 8 min   (3.5 mi)

    Use the right 2 lanes to turn right onto Nobel Dr   0.5 mi

    Use the right 2 lanes to turn right at the 3rd cross street onto Miramar Rd   2.1 mi

    Turn left onto Carroll Rd   0.2 mi

    Turn right onto Kenamar Dr   0.4 mi

    Turn right onto Trade St   0.1 mi

    Turn left onto Trade Pl   0.2 mi

    Turn right onto Dunbrook Rd

    Attic Projects will be on the left 184 ft

  • Del Mar MesaDel Mar Mesa is a predominantly residential neighborhood located in the northern part of San Diego. It’s known for its upscale homes, natural preserve areas, and equestrian facilities, offering residents a quieter, more rural-like living experience while still being close to urban amenities.How to Find Attic Projects from Del Mar Mesa
    Take Horseshoe Ridge to Carmel Mountain Rd 2 min   (0.2 mi)

    Head southeast on Horseshoe Ridge toward Belmont Trail Court
    Restricted usage road   0.1 mi

    Turn left onto Belmont Trail Court
    Restricted usage road 364 ft

    Turn left onto Stable Vista Way 266 ft

    Continue on Carmel Mountain Rd. Take Carroll Canyon Rd to Carroll Way 17 min   (9.3 mi)

    Turn right onto Carmel Mountain Rd   3.1 mi

    Use the left 2 lanes to turn left to stay on Carmel Mountain Rd   0.5 mi

    Use the 2nd from the left lane to turn left onto the I-5 S ramp   0.3 mi

    Merge onto I-5 Local Bypass S   0.2 mi

    Use the right 2 lanes to merge onto I-805 S toward Chula Vista   1.6 mi

    Use the right lane to take exit 27 toward Carroll Canyon Rd   0.3 mi

    Continue onto Carroll Canyon Rd   1.5 mi

    Continue onto Carroll Rd   1.7 mi

    Follow Carroll Way and Trade St to Dunbrook Rd   2 min (0.9 mi)

    Turn left onto Carroll Way   0.3 mi

    Turn right onto Trade St   0.3 mi

    Turn left onto Trade Pl   0.2 mi

    Turn right onto Dunbrook Rd

    Attic Projects will be on the left 184 ft

  • MiramarMiramar is best known for the Marine Corps Air Station Miramar. The surrounding area is a mix of residential and commercial zones, with a significant influence from the military presence. It offers various housing options and conveniently accesses freeways and local businesses.How to Find Attic Projects from Miramar

    Take Mitscher Way to Miramar Rd   6 min (1.6 mi)

    Head south on Edson Rd toward Boyington Rd
    Restricted usage road 128 ft

    Turn left onto Boyington Rd
    Restricted usage road   0.5 mi

    Boyington Rd turns left and becomes Mitscher Way
    Restricted usage road   1.1 mi

    Follow Miramar Rd to Dowdy Dr 2 min   (1.0 mi)

    Turn left onto Miramar Rd   0.9 mi

    Continue straight to stay on Miramar Rd 240 ft

    Continue on Dowdy Dr. Take Silverton Ave to Dunbrook Rd 2 min   (0.7 mi)

    Turn right onto Dowdy Dr   0.2 mi

    Turn left onto Silverton Ave   0.4 mi

    Turn right onto Trade Pl   0.1 mi

    Turn right onto Dunbrook Rd

    Attic Projects will be on the left 184 ft

  • La JollaLa Jolla is one of San Diego’s most famous and affluent neighborhoods, boasting beautiful beaches, fine dining, and upscale shopping. It’s known for its picturesque coastline, educational institutions like UC San Diego, and a thriving arts scene, making it a desirable location for residents and tourists.
    How to Find Attic Projects from La JollaTake Fay Ave and Girard Ave to Torrey Pines Rd   3 min (0.7 mi)

    Head north on Fay Ave toward W Muirlands Dr   0.3 mi

    Turn right onto Genter St 390 ft

    Turn left onto Girard Ave   0.3 mi

    Continue on Torrey Pines Rd. Take La Jolla Pkwy, CA-52 E, I-805 N and Miramar Rd to Kenamar Dr   17 min (11.1 mi)

    Use the right 2 lanes to turn right onto Torrey Pines Rd   1.5 mi

    Continue straight onto La Jolla Pkwy   1.2 mi

    Keep left at the Y junction, follow signs for CA-52 E/San Clemente Canyon   0.3 mi

    Continue onto CA-52 E   2.8 mi

    Use the right 2 lanes to take exit 3 to merge with I-805 N   2.2 mi

    Use the right lane to take exit 25A for Nobel Dr   0.4 mi

    Use the right 2 lanes to turn right onto Nobel Dr   0.5 mi

    Use the right 2 lanes to turn right at the 3rd cross street onto Miramar Rd   2.1 mi

    Turn left onto Carroll Rd   0.2 mi

    Follow Kenamar Dr and Trade St to Dunbrook Rd   2 min (0.8 mi)

    Turn right onto Kenamar Dr   0.4 mi

    Turn right onto Trade St   0.1 mi

    Turn left onto Trade Pl   0.2 mi

    Turn right onto Dunbrook Rd

    Attic Projects will be on the left 184 ft

  • Sherman HeightsSherman Heights offers a glimpse into San Diego’s history with its Victorian homes and historic buildings. It’s a diverse community with a strong sense of heritage, located close to downtown, making it attractive for those seeking a neighborhood with character and convenience.How to Find Attic Projects from Sherman Heights

    Continue to CA-94 E   2 min (0.5 mi)

    Head east toward 24th St 62 ft

    Turn left onto 24th St
    Pass by Jack in the Box (on the right)   0.2 mi

    Turn right onto G St   0.3 mi

    Take CA-15 and I-15 N to Miramar Rd/Pomerado Rd. Take exit 14 from I-15 N   13 min (14.0 mi)

    Merge with CA-94 E   1.1 mi

    Use the left lane to take exit 2C for CA-15 N toward I-805 N   0.4 mi

    Merge with CA-15   4.0 mi

    Continue onto I-15 N   5.6 mi

    Keep right at the Y junction to stay on I-15 N   1.6 mi

    Keep right to stay on I-15 N   0.9 mi

    Use the right 2 lanes to take exit 14 for Pomerado Rd toward Miramar Road   0.3 mi

    Continue on Miramar Rd. Drive to Dunbrook Rd in San Diego   7 min (2.7 mi)

    Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Miramar Rd/Pomerado Rd
    Continue to follow Miramar Rd   1.9 mi

    Continue straight to stay on Miramar Rd 240 ft

    Turn right onto Dowdy Dr   0.2 mi

    Turn left onto Silverton Ave   0.4 mi

    Turn right onto Trade Pl   0.1 mi

    Turn right onto Dunbrook Rd

    Attic Projects will be on the left 184 ft

  • Carmel Mountain RanchIn the northeastern part of San Diego, Carmel Mountain Ranch is a family-friendly community known for its planned residential areas, shopping centers, and golf courses. It offers a blend of suburban living with the convenience of nearby amenities and services.
    How to Find Attic Projects from Carmel Mountain RanchGet on I-15 S from World Trade Dr and Carmel Mountain Rd   5 min (1.1 mi)

    Head west
    Restricted usage road 125 ft

    Turn right toward World Trade Dr
    Restricted usage road 89 ft

    Slight right toward World Trade Dr
    Restricted usage road 187 ft

    Turn left onto World Trade Dr   0.2 mi

    Turn right onto Stoney Peak Dr   0.1 mi

    Use any lane to turn left onto Carmel Mountain Rd   0.6 mi

    Use the left 2 lanes to turn left to merge onto I-15 S   0.2 mi

    Follow I-15 S to Miramar Rd. Take exit 14 from I-15 S   6 min (6.1 mi)

    Merge with I-15 S   5.8 mi

    Use the right 2 lanes to take exit 14 for Pomerado Rd/Miramar Rd   0.2 mi

    Continue on Miramar Rd. Drive to Dunbrook Rd   6 min (2.5 mi)

    Use the right 2 lanes to turn right onto Miramar Rd   1.7 mi

    Continue straight to stay on Miramar Rd 240 ft

    Turn right onto Dowdy Dr   0.2 mi

    Turn left onto Silverton Ave   0.4 mi

    Turn right onto Trade Pl   0.1 mi

    Turn right onto Dunbrook Rd

    Attic Projects will be on the left 184 ft

  • City HeightsCity Heights is one of San Diego’s most diverse neighborhoods, offering a rich cultural tapestry and a variety of ethnic restaurants and businesses. It’s an urban area with affordable housing options, community gardens, and a strong sense of community activism and involvement.
    How to Find Attic Projects from City HeightsGet on CA-15 from Fairmount Ave, Landis St and 41st St   5 min (1.4 mi)

    Head northwest on Fairmount Ave toward Myrtle Ave   0.4 mi

    Turn left at the 3rd cross street onto Landis St   0.2 mi

    At the roundabout, continue straight to stay on Landis St   0.1 mi

    At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto 41st St   0.3 mi

    Turn left onto University Ave 413 ft

    Turn right onto the CA-15 N ramp   0.3 mi

    Take I-15 N to Miramar Rd/Pomerado Rd. Take exit 14 from I-15 N   9 min (10.0 mi)

    Merge with CA-15   1.5 mi

    Continue onto I-15 N   5.6 mi

    Keep right at the Y junction to stay on I-15 N   1.6 mi

    Keep right to stay on I-15 N   0.9 mi

    Use the right 2 lanes to take exit 14 for Pomerado Rd toward Miramar Road   0.3 mi

    Continue on Miramar Rd. Drive to Dunbrook Rd in San Diego   7 min (2.7 mi)

    Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Miramar Rd/Pomerado Rd
    Continue to follow Miramar Rd   1.9 mi

    Continue straight to stay on Miramar Rd 240 ft

    Turn right onto Dowdy Dr   0.2 mi

    Turn left onto Silverton Ave   0.4 mi

    Turn right onto Trade Pl   0.1 mi

    Turn right onto Dunbrook Rd

    Attic Projects will be on the left 184 ft

  • Liberty StationOnce a naval training center, Liberty Station has been transformed into a mixed-use development with residential areas, shops, restaurants, and cultural spaces. It’s a popular spot for locals and visitors, offering a modern, curated experience while preserving historical elements.
    How to Find Attic Projects from Liberty StationGet on I-8 E from Rosecrans St   7 min (2.4 mi)

    Head northwest on Womble Rd   0.2 mi

    Turn right onto Rosecrans St
    Pass by Rubio’s Coastal Grill (on the right in 1.2 mi)   1.3 mi

    Continue straight onto Camino del Rio W   0.4 mi

    Keep left at the Y junction, follow signs for I-8/El Centro and merge with I-8 E   0.4 mi

    Continue on I-8 E. Take CA-163 N and I-805 N to Nobel Dr. Take exit 25A from I-805 N   10 min (10.4 mi)

    Merge with I-8 E   1.9 mi

    Use the right 2 lanes to take exit 4C to merge with CA-163 N   3.3 mi

    Use the right 2 lanes to take exit 7A to merge with I-805 N toward Los Angeles   4.8 mi

    Use the right lane to take exit 25A for Nobel Dr   0.4 mi

    Take Miramar Rd to Dunbrook Rd   8 min (3.5 mi)

    Use the right 2 lanes to turn right onto Nobel Dr   0.5 mi

    Use the right 2 lanes to turn right at the 3rd cross street onto Miramar Rd   2.1 mi

    Turn left onto Carroll Rd   0.2 mi

    Turn right onto Kenamar Dr   0.4 mi

    Turn right onto Trade St   0.1 mi

    Turn left onto Trade Pl   0.2 mi

    Turn right onto Dunbrook Rd

    Attic Projects will be on the left 184 ft

  • San CarlosSan Carlos is a quiet, family-oriented neighborhood in the eastern part of San Diego. It is known for its good schools, recreational facilities like Lake Murray, and a generally suburban atmosphere, making it a popular choice for families.How to Find Attic Projects from San Carlos

    Take Mission Gorge Rd, I-15 N and Miramar Rd to Dowdy Dr   21 min (14.2 mi)

    Head northwest on Jackson Dr toward Tuxedo Rd   0.8 mi

    Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Mission Gorge Rd
    Pass by Carl’s Jr (on the right in 2.9 mi)   3.0 mi

    Mission Gorge Rd turns slightly right and becomes Friars Rd   0.8 mi

    Use the right 2 lanes to turn right to merge with I-15 N   4.6 mi

    Keep right at the Y junction to stay on I-15 N   1.6 mi

    Keep right to stay on I-15 N   0.9 mi

    Use the right 2 lanes to take exit 14 for Pomerado Rd toward Miramar Road   0.3 mi

    Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Miramar Rd/Pomerado Rd
    Continue to follow Miramar Rd   1.9 mi

    Continue straight to stay on Miramar Rd 240 ft

    Continue on Dowdy Dr. Take Silverton Ave to Dunbrook Rd   2 min (0.7 mi)

    Turn right onto Dowdy Dr   0.2 mi

    Turn left onto Silverton Ave   0.4 mi

    Turn right onto Trade Pl   0.1 mi

    Turn right onto Dunbrook Rd

    Attic Projects will be on the left 184 ft

  • San Pasqual ValleyKnown for its agricultural roots, San Pasqual Valley offers a more rural setting within San Diego. It features farms, vineyards, and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, uniquely blending natural beauty and outdoor activities.How to Find Attic Projects from San Pasqual Valley

    Get on I-15 S in Escondido from Old Milky Way and San Pasqual Rd   12 min (6.3 mi)

    Head north on Ysabel Creek Rd toward CA-78 E
    Restricted usage road   0.2 mi

    Turn left onto CA-78 W 354 ft

    Slight left onto Old Milky Way   1.8 mi

    Turn left onto San Pasqual Rd   2.9 mi

    Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Bear Valley Pkwy   0.4 mi

    Continue onto E Via Rancho Pkwy   0.6 mi

    Use the left 2 lanes to turn left to merge onto I-15 S   0.3 mi

    Follow I-15 S to Miramar Rd in San Diego. Take exit 14 from I-15 S   11 min (12.5 mi)

    Merge with I-15 S   12.2 mi

    Use the right 2 lanes to take exit 14 for Pomerado Rd/Miramar Rd   0.2 mi

    Continue on Miramar Rd. Drive to Dunbrook Rd   6 min (2.5 mi)

    Use the right 2 lanes to turn right onto Miramar Rd   1.7 mi

    Continue straight to stay on Miramar Rd   240 ft

    Turn right onto Dowdy Dr   0.2 mi

    Turn left onto Silverton Ave   0.4 mi

    Turn right onto Trade Pl   0.1 mi

    Turn right onto Dunbrook Rd

    Attic Projects will be on the left 184 ft

  • Paradise HillsThis residential neighborhood in southeastern San Diego is known for its affordability and community-centric living. It offers a variety of housing options and is appreciated for its local parks and family-friendly atmosphere.How to Find Attic Projects from Paradise Hills

    Get on I-805 N in National City from Potomac St and E Plaza Blvd   7 min (2.1 mi)

    Head north on Calle Serena toward Schuyler St 469 ft

    Turn left onto Potomac St   0.5 mi

    Turn right onto Reo Dr   0.3 mi

    Turn right onto Olive Ave   0.2 mi

    Turn left onto E Plaza Blvd
    Pass by 7-Eleven (on the left)   0.8 mi

    Turn right to merge with I-805 N   0.2 mi

    Follow I-805 N, CA-15 and I-15 N to Miramar Rd/Pomerado Rd in San Diego. Take exit 14 from I-15 N   14 min (15.7 mi)

    Merge with I-805 N   3.9 mi

    Use the right 2 lanes to take exit 14 for CA-15 N   1.0 mi

    Merge with CA-15   2.3 mi

    Continue onto I-15 N   5.6 mi

    Keep right at the Y junction to stay on I-15 N   1.6 mi

    Keep right to stay on I-15 N   0.9 mi

    Use the right 2 lanes to take exit 14 for Pomerado Rd toward Miramar Road   0.3 mi

    Continue on Miramar Rd. Drive to Dunbrook Rd in San Diego   7 min (2.7 mi)

    Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Miramar Rd/Pomerado Rd
    Continue to follow Miramar Rd   1.9 mi

    Continue straight to stay on Miramar Rd 240 ft

    Turn right onto Dowdy Dr   0.2 mi

    Turn left onto Silverton Ave   0.4 mi

    Turn right onto Trade Pl   0.1 mi

    Turn right onto Dunbrook Rd

    Attic Projects will be on the left 184 ft

  • Pacific Highlands RanchPacific Highlands Ranch is a newer, master-planned community in the northern part of San Diego. It emphasizes sustainable living with energy-efficient homes, green spaces, and community amenities, catering to families and individuals seeking a modern, eco-conscious lifestyle. Regardless of where you live in San Diego, Attic Projects is here to serve your neighborhood!How to Find Attic Projects from Pacific Highlands Ranch

    Take Pacific Highlands Ranch Pkwy to Carmel Valley Rd   2 min (0.4 mi)

    Head northeast on Blazing Star Ln toward Ginger Glen Rd   0.2 mi

    Turn right onto Pacific Highlands Ranch Pkwy   0.2 mi

    Take CA-56 W/State Hwy 56 W, I-5 Local Bypass S and Carroll Canyon Rd to Carroll Way   15 min (10.6 mi)

    Turn right at the 2nd cross street onto Carmel Valley Rd   0.7 mi

    Use the right 2 lanes to turn right to merge with CA-56 W/State Hwy 56 W   3.3 mi

    CA-56 W/State Hwy 56 W turns slightly left and becomes I-5 Local Bypass S   1.4 mi

    Use the right 2 lanes to merge with I-805 S toward Chula Vista   1.6 mi

    Use the right lane to take exit 27 toward Carroll Canyon Rd   0.3 mi

    Continue onto Carroll Canyon Rd   1.5 mi

    Continue onto Carroll Rd   1.7 mi

    Follow Carroll Way and Trade St to Dunbrook Rd   2 min (0.9 mi)

    Turn left onto Carroll Way   0.3 mi

    Turn right onto Trade St   0.3 mi

    Turn left onto Trade Pl   0.2 mi

    Turn right onto Dunbrook Rd

    Attic Projects will be on the left 184 ft

Best Restaurants in San Diego

If you’ve ever wanted to experience San Diego, you can’t do so without visiting some of the best dining spots.
  • Wrench and RodentThe name is a little out there, but that’s to prime you for the equally unconventional menu. This beloved sushi spot sits next to the ocean. It offers some of the most exciting flavor combinations any sushi lover can try. And for those who like it simple, traditional sushi with clean flavors is also an option.
  • CampfireIf you’ve been to Jeune et Jolie, you’ll love their sister restaurant, Campfire. It emphasizes food cooked over a wood fire, like smoked meats, seafood, and vegetables. It’s also an excellent spot for some delicious and daring cocktails, with the whole experience made better with a stylish but rustic dining room that invites everyone to have a seat at the table.

Landmarks and Historic Spots in San Diego

Since you’re already working through some of San Diego’s finest, here are a few more spots you can visit!
  • USS Midway MuseumThis museum is one of the top attractions in San Diego. It’s centrally located in downtown San Diego and often called a “once-in-a-lifetime experience.” USS Midway Museum is also interactive, offering self-guided tours narrated by real Midway sailors in multiple languages.
  • The San Diego ZooThis zoo is one of the most famous in the country, and for good reason. There are over 4,000 animals, many living in cageless exhibits that mimic natural ecosystems. There’s also plenty to do within the zoo, like ride the tour bus to ensure you don’t miss a thing or try out the Skyfari gondola lift to get a bird’s eye view of the beautiful park.
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