Can a Rodent Infestation Lead to a Bird Problem?

A flock of birds nesting on a home due to nearby rodents.

It’s well known that a mice infestation is problematic. They can bring diseases into your home and destroy wires and insulation. However, there’s another problem with having an abundance of mice on your property — they may attract birds of prey.

Birds of prey, such as owls, primarily feed on mice. Once they are on your property, they can build nests and cause damage. Deterring larger, more aggressive pests is one of many reasons to seek help from a rodent removal expert when you notice the signs of an infestation.

What Are Birds of Prey?

Birds of prey are forceful animals that actively hunt and feed on other animals. They are powerful, move quickly, and can detect their prey while in flight. Birds of prey have strong claws with sharp talons that easily destroy their target.

Although any bird that hunts and eats other animals is considered to be a bird of prey, the most common are:

  • Eagles
  • Falcons
  • Hawks
  • Owls

Many of these birds become a threat to your home if it’s overrun with rodents.

How Your Mouse Problem Creates a Bird Problem

When you have a mouse infestation, your home becomes vulnerable to birds of prey. These animals are natural rodent predators and often hunt mice as their primary food source. When there is a significant number of mice in a single area, it creates a playground for hunting birds of prey.

Birds of prey have terrific eyesight. They can spot movement from up in the air, making them dangerous to mice. These birds are drawn to areas with a high concentration of rodents. Places like grassy fields or urban areas with multiple food sources. Garbage cans or improperly stored food create ideal locations.

It’s important to note that attracting birds of prey to your home isn’t always a bad thing. It’s a natural method of rodent removal and can keep numbers in check.

Common Signs of a Bird Infestation

Birds living in your home can cause physical damage that takes time and money to repair. However, aside from the presence of mice, you can recognize other warning signs when you have a bird infestation requiring rodent removal services.

Bird Droppings

An increase in bird droppings throughout your property could indicate that birds are present. Use these droppings to find the birds and their nests.

Feathers and Debris

Large groups of feathers throughout your property are evidence that birds live nearby. Birds also leave debris they’ve gathered for building their nests. Near the chimney, gutters and window frames are common places to find feathers.

Roof Damage

Birds often nest on roof corners. They leave acidic droppings across the structure, damaging the area closest to their nest. Additionally, when birds gather on the roof, their weight can cause extensive damage.

Gutter Damage

Many birds of prey build their nests inside gutters. The nest can damage the gutter and surrounding area by causing water to become backed up. Pooling water can attract more unwanted visitors, like mosquitos.

Risks Involved With a Bird Infestation

Besides physical damage, a bird infestation brings many problems onto your property, including silent threats. Bird feces contain harmful pathogens, like fungi, bacteria, and parasites, that cause serious health problems when ingested or inhaled. Some diseases transmitted through bird droppings include cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis, and salmonellosis.

As with mice, a bird infestation may invite other pests, like insects. Some insects can cause more damage to your property and create additional health risks. Prompt rodent removal services are required to prevent these issues and more.

Birds also like to build their nests in chimneys, which can cause blockages. A blockage could lead to carbon monoxide poisoning. Even if the nest isn’t blocking the chimney, it creates a fire hazard. Their acidic feces can damage the chimney and jeopardize your family’s health.

Preventing a Bird Infestation in Your Home

Preventing a bird infestation is the best way to protect your home from damage. Follow these tips, and these pests will stay away.

Keep Your Home Clean

Mice love an unsanitary home, and where there are mice, birds of prey will follow. Removing crumbs and cleaning spills will deter both pests from claiming your house. Practice routine cleaning, like wiping down counters, mopping floors, and removing trash.

Limit Water Access

Just like food sources, rodents look for water. Keep your property free from standing water, which birds can use as a bathing spot or drinking water.

Deter Nesting

Install bird netting or spikes to make potential nesting sites less appealing. Because spikes are long and narrow, birds find them difficult to grab as they land. Netting can block areas where birds roost and deter them from building their nests.

Hang Shiny Objects

Bright and shiny objects, like old CDs, foil, and aluminum cans, reflect sunlight. This light shines into birds’ eyes, making it harder to fly and search for food. Hang these items in areas where birds often gather around your home.

Trim Shrubs and Trees

Overgrown shrubs and trees create ideal nesting spots for birds and mice. Trimming these plants makes your property less inviting for mice, which will help deter birds.

Use Sonic Devices

A sonic device sends a distress signal and can scare birds away. They are most effective in larger, open areas.

The Downside of DIY Rodent Removal and Control

It’s best to leave rodent removal to a trained professional. Even though DIY solutions seem cost-effective, they don’t always work, and the problem returns. Furthermore, touching bird droppings or nests without wearing proper safety gear can expose you to unsanitary conditions.

Additionally, some bird species are protected. Professionals understand the regulations and will ensure they are safely removed.

Sound Solutions for Rodent Removal

When it comes to safety and reliable solutions for your bird or rodent removal, professional services from Attic Projects are unparalleled. Our multifaceted approach allows us to deal with the current issue and implement methods to deter future infestations. Call us today to learn about our services and get knowledgeable, experienced technicians to help you protect your home.

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